Intellectual Dishonesty in Referencing Muslim Scholars

Types of Intellectual Dishonesty

Below are some quotes that the Ahmadiyya use to justify their theological reasoning. Most of them are out of context or outright misleading. The intellectual dishonesty is one of these types:

  1. Sufi Slide: Mis-translating a discussion of the characteristics of a prophet with being a prophet - as Sufis believe that some of these characteristics are attainable - such as receiving messages from God - but no Sufi says that one can earn their way to being a prophet or announce as such to people. Any announcement is akin to appointment as a prophet, which is not allowed according to Sufis.
  2. No-Context: This technique also does not providing the clear and consistent view of the theologian who is being quoted.
  3. Hearsay: Passing off the commentary on a theologian's book as the book itself.
  4. Lost in Translation: for example, Arabic 'tashree`' means to ordain from which the word Sharia is derived. This also includes taking literal meaning of specialist reserved words.

Shaikh Ahmad Farooqi Sarhindi (also known as Mujaddid Alfe Saani)

Qadiani Quote: Following the advent of the Khatmur-Rosul, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), the attainment of prophethood by one of his followers, as a subordinate and in service of the Holy Prophet, will in no way offend or be in conflict with his status as Khaatamur-Rosul. No doubts need be entertained in this regard. (Makoobat vol. 1 Maktoob 301 pg. 432)

Sufi Slide Actual Translation: talks about the characteristics of prophets, and not 'attainment' and the same letter, as well as others, categorically states the end of prophethood, with the return of Jesus as an exception

Hazrat Shah Waliullah Dehlavi, Mujaddid (reformer) of the 12th Century

Qadiani Quote: The end of prophethood with the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) only means that there can now be no prophet for the people who will bring or introduce a new Shariah. (Tafhimate- ilahiyyah vol. 2 pg. 72-73)

Sufi Slide and Lost in Translation : the exact translation is 'and prophets ended with him, i.e. one will not find after him one to whom Allah orders to lay down laws for people.'

Maulana Rumi

Qadiani Quote: Exert yourself in the service of faith to such an extent that you be granted prophethood within the Muslim Ummah." (Masnawi Maulana Rum vol. 5, pg. 42)

Sufi Slide : This is a couplet in a poem that is known for its brevity. The quote is not from the Masnawi but a commentary by Mohammad Nazir Arshi, and this commentary also mentions the same phrase as above 'kamalat' or characteristics of being a prophet.

Brelvi scholar Maulavi Abu Al Hasnat Abdul Haye of Farangimahal, Lucknow

Qadiani Quote: The advent of a mere prophet after the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) or in his lifetime is not an impossibility. To introduce a new law is indeed not permissible. (Dafiul-Waswas 2nd edition page 16)

Qadiani Quote: Ulema Ahle-Sunnat also subscribe to the view that following the advent of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) no law-bearing prophet can come. The prophethood of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is wide in scope. Any prophet who would now come would be from the Ummah and follow his Shariah. (Majmuah Fatwa Maulvi Abdul Haye vol. 1 pg. 17)

Sufi Slide and No-Context : This book is discussing the Ahadith narrated by ibn Abbas, one of which says that there are other words in which prophets like human prophets are present. Commenting on those who believe this hadith to be against khatam-an-nabiyyeen, the theologian says that there may be such prophets present even during or after the time of Muhammad(saw).

Al-Tirmizi (died 308 A.H.)

Qadiani Quote: The notion that the term 'Khatamun-Nabbiyeen' signifies that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was the last prophet is erroneous. What glory and majesty is there in being the last? What wisdom underlies this interpretation? It is an interpretation put forth by the imbeciles and the illiterates." (Khatam- Alauliya pg. 341)

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Maulana Qasim Nanutwi founder of Darul Aloom Deoband

Qadiani Quote: According to the layman, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings on him, being Khatam is supposed to have appeared after all the other prophets. But men of understanding and the wise know it very well that being the first or the last, chronologically, does not carry any weight. How could, therefore, the words of the Holy Qur'an "'But he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of Prophets" (33:40) mean to glorify him? But I know very well that none from among the Muslims would be prepared to agree with the common men.

"In short, if the meaning of the word Finality is accepted as explained, then his Finality of Prophethood will not be exclusively attached to the past Prophet. But even if for instance another Prophet appeared during the era of the Prophet then too, him being the Final Prophet remains intact as normal."

"If for instance even after the era of the Prophet any Prophet is born, then too it will not make any difference to the Finality of Prophethood of the Prophet." (Tehzeerul Naas, various pages)

No Context : Nanotwi is discussing the same Hadith narrated by ibn Abbas about prophets appearing in other planets and other dimensions or worlds.