Abdullah Timapuri

Abdullah Timapuri appears on the scene some time in the last years of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's life.

Like other Qadiani claimants of Divine appointment, he created the fine distinction between him being the 'Mahdi' while Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was the 'Messiah'.

His books were published by the same [Riaz Hind Press] that used to publish the books of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. In fact, the back cover of the book presented below shows the list of his books alongside those of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, side by side, and the two columns titled 'Ahmadi Chain' and 'Muhammadi Chain'. A substantial part of the rest of the book can be found in the attachments to this page.

Even the name of this book is derived from a 'revelation' of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in which he was given a book by this name, but he never wrote a book with this title. This book, 'Nahj-al-Musalla' is filled with the 'revelations' and 'visions' of Abdullah Timapuri

Here are more pages from his book: