Prophecy Continuous

The Book

This book is an attempt by Professor Friedman to link the Ahmadiyya theology to medieval prophetic thought.

Although the Professor learnt Urdu to read Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's writings, he did not delve into the contradictions inherent in the Mirza's work and stayed focused on the 'prophetic' aspects.

Towards the end of the book, he does make some very interesting observations on the Ahmadiyya.

The Author

Yohanan Friedmann is an Israeli scholar who has studied the Ahmadiyya corpus and written a book and some articles on the Ahmadiyya.

Yohanan Friedmann at Wikipedia


  • (page 22): In December 1914...........Al Fazl published an article entitled "With whom we should we maintain relations?" The article called for a social boycott for those who did not pledge allegiance to Mahmud Ahmad. (Kamaludin, "Andruni Ikhtilafat" pp. 17, 31-32) The split became final.
  • Maulana Muhammad Ali's opinion about Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a prophet (page 148): "In a book published in 1906, Muhammad Ali maintained that the divine law by which prophets of God live was fulfilled in Ghulam Ahmad's life. He finds similarities between Ghulam Ahmad and Muhammad and says, describing an incident in which Ghulam Ahmad was pelted with stones, that 'such is the treatment which the prophets of God always received at the hands of the mobs'. Closely following Ghulam Ahmad's own definition of khatama al nubuwwa, he says that: this movement hold that the Holy Prophet is the seal of the prophets and no other prophet can appear after him except one who is spiritually his disciple and who receives the gift of prophecy through him. It is only a true Muslim who walks in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet that can become a prophet. It is in this sense that the movement considers the founder to be a prophet. Ahmad, the Promised Messiah (p. 25)