
Title and Note : pp 1-2

Hujjat-Ullah printed by Ziaul Islam Press Qadian (abode of peace) 24 Dhul-Hijjah 1314 A.H. (16 May 1897 C.E.)

(ARABIC original) An Announcement: So Listen, O People of Enmity

O viewers! Know that Allah has had mercy on you and provided for you a pleasant provision out of His overt blessings and His covert subtleties. This book is a message that has been finished with the help of God – full of intricate secrets of the Lord and composed of the best of literature. And its sweet speech is indeed like a verdant garden in which nightingales sing with the utmost clarity. And its fruits fall on the hearts of men of letters. And whoever devotes himself to it with purity of intention and genuine effort – will no doubt recognize the eloquence of its words and the ingenuity of its prose. And he will recognize that is is superior and more beautiful than ordinary compositions. And it is prettier than most human writings.

And whosoever adopts the style of the accursed and obstinacy will be denied its blessings and he will deliberately leave the path of fairness and integrity though he himself may be of those who are certain.

So now we address this group of deniers whose names I have mentioned in previous observations about those who have disbelieved in me and called me a liar. I mean, the Sheikh of Falsehood (a pun on Batalvi – arabic bataalah ) and others of his ilk from among the most corrupt of the evildoers. They argue with me concerning this but why don't the demonstrate something similar? So that it will lay bare their skill and uncover their insults and will humiliate in the eyes of their ignorant followers. And whoever from among them writes a booklet similar to this one in three months following this Wednesday – will surely make me a liar truly and justly and will have proved that I am not from the Presence of the Singularity. Is there anyone from the living who is alive to carry out this plan? And save from the division of the Nation (Islamic Nation) and demonstrate to men of letters that he is illiterate and does not know the way of prose-writing. And make it known to everyone that he is of the defeated, and Allah will take away his eyesight with a lightning bolt from the sky and then he will live as the (?) lives among lizards, and (this is how Allah) blows out the intensity of the fabricators.

O lying people who call me a liar! What is with you that you don't come and don't engage in the struggle? And you call and then you don't duel? Curse be on you and your deeds – O group of ignorants!

*Announcer: *

Ghulam Ahmad the Qadiani

26 May, 1897

Appendix : pp 3-9

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Man is (self-)destroyed: how ungrateful! (80:17)O viewers! and literary critics! You know that I have written a few books in Arabic before this one; and I gave those books such beauty like houses built on hills and adorned; and you saw them speak out like Omani jewels; and you felt their wisdom. And I expected scholars to count them among signs and tighten their loincloths with healthy intentions in order to aid me; and I never gave up comforting myself with this idea until I found them of corrupt intention and action; and it dawned on me that my cognition had failed and the eyes of the scholars had not opened; and I saw despair and the remnants of optimism were cut off.

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And it reached a point that the Sheikh (Batalvi) became a barrier to seekers; and he criticized my writings and spoke about my words, saying: "it is but degenerate discourse and it is not good discourse; it resembles foul and base (language), lacks clarity and does not have any of the best abstractions and similes."And all the pearls of Arabic that I had set in my books – and the rarities of prose, and the subtleties of speech, and the elegant points of logic – this aforementioned wicked person intended to blow out their light and stop their appearance and turn people into deniers or doubters. And with that he claimed to be flowing with literary prowess and possessed of literary riches and of those separate from others in their uniqueness.

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And thus he deceived people with his falsifications and caused boys to laugh out at his antics, and he came forward with clear lies. We came with fresh pearls but he did not appreciate it; and we shook tree branches on him (to dislodge fruit) but he did not consider it to be our fruit and did not see its sweetness. Moreover, he increased in meanness and enmity like arrogant ones. And he said, "the books of this person are adulterated with errors and omissions, and empty of literary subtlety and well-known adages, and not like clear flowing water."Thus, he did not judge by what was incumbent, but rather, he hid the truth and forbade and concealed. And he deceitfully pushed away people after having been enamored of my writings. And he knew that suppressing (truthful) testimony is a sin, and the denial of a truthful person is wickedness – yet, he followed the World instead of the Hereafter and preferred his base self over the Presence of the Singularity (God).Page 6

And Allah wished that he be raised, but he clung to the earth (ref to Qur'an 7:176) like evildoers do.And there is no virtue in his person except exaggeration like women and the ability to fool people by the glibness of his tongue. And he is of the slick liars; and he wants to blow out the light (ref to Qur'an 61:8) – with darkness and lies - and increase the transgression and disbelief of people, and turn ignorants away from the truth. And, by God, he does not know eloquence and its branches, and nor how it is produced and delivered. And he has not reached any stage of the stages of literary understanding; and he is like cattle, and of the deprived.*So, the thing *that will let people escape from the calamities of his lies and the dust of his writings is:

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If we present to him a writing from us and another writing from some literary Arab writers; and hide our name and the names of these authors; and then we say to him, "tell us about our words and their words" if you are truthful in your criticism. So, if he recognizes my words and their words and he is right in whatever finds, and can distinguish between them as the seed splits from the date-fruit (6:95) - I will give him with fifty rupees as a reward from me or as a penalty and it will be considered a miracle shown by him, and we will count him among the learned writers, and we will accept that he was among the truthful in his criticism. So, if he agrees to this test and ready for this combat in the field, he should inform us

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with good intention like righteous ones. And he should publish this plan in magazines and newspapers – like those of truth and certainty.And when I receive information about this advertisement, I will send him some pages for this test, so that Allah may decide between me and this ungrateful (or kuffaar - disbeliever) and he is the Wisest of the Judges. For a number of years I have seen that this man has not desisted from his delirious ranting and does not fear that Allah will hold him to account. So, his stinginess has prompted me to propose this test. So, if he takes to the field and proves what he claimed and he can distinguish my words from the other writings, his will be what you have just heard from us and has been mentioned. But if he curves up his tail and bends it up, and does not ask of us what we have promised,Page 9

and does not undertake it; but rather he slithers and enters his hole and hides - and does not leave falsification (of me) and does not stop it - then Hell is for him wherein he will not die nor live (ref to Qur'an 20:74). And peace be on those who follow the guidance (ref to Qur'an 20:47).*Announcer: *Ghulam Ahmad the Qadiani26 May, 1897

A Testimonial : pp 9-10

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A TestimonyThe advertisement printed in full below has been sent to us for publishing by a monastic (hallucinating) fakir (dervish) who has been living in Sialkot for the last twelve years. As such, we copy it here verbatim. This fakir possesses greatness and is well known in his area :In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Ever MercifulAdvertisement for ReleaseWith the grace and revelation ilhaam of God; with the spirit of the Accepted Prophet (saw); with the spirit of all the martyrs; with the spirit of all the saints; with the spirits of all friends (of Allah) who are on the earth; and those spirits that are aware of all fourteen stages: I have received witness and revelation ilhaam from all these that God has sent Hadrat Mirza Sahib.

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There were serious tribulations in the religion of the Accepted Prophet (saw) and it became extremely weak. Thousands of accursed sects like Christians and Rafidi (Shia) appeared and became the cause of misleading people - and that is the need for sending the Promised Messiah. The remedy of these terrible afflictions that have appeared now was indeed the work of a heavy-weight prophet. But because there was no prophet to appear after the Accepted Prophet, God sent Hadrat Mirza Sahib, who is the turban of the Accepted Prophet. Those people who think that Hadrat Eesa was lifted up to the sky with this body are liars. No one has gone to the sky without tasting death and with the body. O Scholarly (hereditary) custodians (of shrines)! O (hereditary) custodians (of shrines) who are of the family (of Muhammad (saw))! Listen and remember! Very soon, a very heavy majestic testimony to this movement is about to appear from the sky! God Himself will very strongly bear witness. Then you will be extremely humiliated and disgraced in your opposition. This advertisement of mine is true and is the copy of the Preserved Book [reference to the eternal Protected Tablet - the Lauh Mahfooz - in other words, "has been copied from the eternal record of fate" (i.e. From God). I am seeing that God is very angry at you because of this opposition. The Accepted Prophet is extremely exasperated with you.The Advertiser:*Faqir Muhammad – Sialkot - bar lab aik, *Bagh Basti Wala28 May, 1897(bar lab aik may be a slogan meaning "One on the lips")

Untitled Urdu Poem : pp 11-11

Fabricators : pp 12-26

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Defence from the FabricatorsThose who fight with me do not fight anyone but Allah; the transgressors will come to know for whom will be the sequel of the (heavenly) Home (ref Qur'an 13:42)(Persian couplet)I have some papers before me right now in which nominal Muslims have insulted me. As such, one among them is (Abdul Haq Ghaznavi) who, in his advertisement, declares me a liar (dajjaal, the anti-Christ in Islam) and states in the title of the advertisement:Arabic Essay : pp 27-82Arabic Qaseeda 1 : pp 83-85Arabic Qaseeda 2 : pp 86-110End of Book : pp 110-111